
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Faux Congratulations

Author's Note: Rant writing isn't my knack, but I didn't chose to write about this. Here, I have attempted to speak my mind about a quote that speaks to me. Attempted is the key word in my previous statement.

"If you achieve success , you will get applause, and if you get applause, you will hear it.  My advice to you concerning applause is this; enjoy it but never quite believe it.”
-Robert Montgomery

Whether you realize it or not; naturally, you cheer people on even if they didn’t do as good as they could have.  It’s good sportsmanship to cheer people on, unconditionally.  The dilemma I have with unconditional  cheering is I want my friends, family, teachers, teammates, and peers to be honest with me.  I don’t want to be falsely cheered on when I mess up, I want to be told that I can do better; I want people to believe in me and my abilities. Even if I think I do an exceptional job, I am very skeptical about whether I actually deserve it or if the world is just being a ‘good sport’.  The world needs less ‘good sports’ and more people who will push you to do better, the people whose words can hurt, but make you stronger and prominent.